A large factor in my work will be importing models once I have modelled and textured each individual models. I had difficulty in the past importing my models into Unreal Engine 4 as I was importing them as .obj when they needed to be .fbx files. I was able to import some of my models into Unreal Engine and apply my textures to them so that look as they should.
The first thing I had to do was open Blender and export my models as .fbx files as this is the file type Unreal Engine uses.
I also had to open up substance painter and export my different texture sets as .jpeg.
The next stage was to bring them into the project content panel. So that they can be used within the game environment.
Once the models were in the environment I had to link up the different textures so that they match the model correctly. This involved using a Nodal based system and linking the relevant image to the relevant input.
Once this was done the model looked as they did within the Substance painter and are now ready for use within a game.
Video Showing 2 out of 3 models successfully imported into Unreal Engine
Just like the previous post about carrying out the experiment to build a basic scene in Unreal to improve my competency with the software. This was useful as I will be able to import my own models in now and get them textured properly